Botox. There Is No Downside.

Okay, that’s my opinion and so far, my experience.  Go ahead and disagree.  And judge.

I have told so many people about my amazing friend, Dr. Keri Peterson, who did my first Botox treatment, that I need to put all the information here too.

I have known Dr. Keri (that’s what I call her. Really.) for 25 years, since high school.  With Botox, I can say I’ve known her 10 years, and no one is the wiser.  Get it?  She is professional, kind and really freaking smart.

I went to see Dr. Keri Peterson a few weeks before we left for the Emmy’s this past September. (Yes, I’m still talking about that. Sheesh.)  Since turning 40, I had become very insecure about my forehead lines. Silly? Maybe, but there is something magical about spending a few minutes with very little discomfort and coming out feeling completely different and wonderful about your own face.

My good doctor friend is a regular guest on The Today Show, Rachel Ray, and other talk shows, and has a column in Women’s Health Magazine.  Dr. Keri does Botox treatments as part of her midtown practice; so make an appointment with her office.  I have been thrilled with the results and plan on going back as needed!

Dr. Keri Peterson/110 East 59th Street, New York City/212 583 2879


I received no compensation for this post and paid Dr. Peterson’s rate for my Botox treatment. Opinions are my own.

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